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From Panster to Puzzle Master

Pardon the total and utter randomness that is happening here.

My goal in the new year is to blog more, a long with like seventy-billion other things.

Let's put that aside though and start here. Since, this is where I'm at, right this moment.

As most of you know, right now, I'm working on Cop Blocked (book 4 - holy shit - in the Too Hot To Handle Series). And I know a lot of times, readers or other authors will ask, what's our thought process when we write.

So, I present to you - some behind the scenes randomness about how my writing method has evolved.

When I first started writing Take Back My Heart, I may have made a few notes - here or there, but I was totally a panster (writing from the seat of my pants). I started at the beginning and wrote until the characters told me to stop. That - was my first book.

Come Back to Me I was literally at the 50% mark in the story when inspiration hit and then ENDING came to me so clearly that I had to stop where I was and write it.

Book Three - The idea emerged while in the trenches of book two, so I plotted, outlined and made notes. Just enough to shut up the muse. THEN...about month after I released Come Back to Me.... I was up until 3am writing damn near half of the book as it played out flawlessly. THAT's when a secondary character spoke up so loudly that I had no choice but to listen and actually had to stop and write out a few scenes for Book Four.

Shocker my third release (Hot Cop) was meant to be, one and done. A standalone.That didn't happen.

Writing my forth release (Cop Tease), brought up another character that decided HE had a story to tell too and damn if I didn't want to write it. Cole was patient though, he let me finish Cop Tease before he started really talking and after hashing out a few timeline details and plot points, Strip Search flowed pretty seamlessly.

Cop Blocked? I'm piecing this one together like a puzzle because the muse has been the BIGGEST pain in my ass to date. He's literally constantly spouting off random ideas and demanding I take notes. So I have all of these really great scenes and only a vague idea of where they'll end up at this point. That said - this one is quickly becoming my favorite project so far, for so many reasons. And I sincerely hope that when you all meet Logan and Rachel after the holidays, that you'll fall in love with them as much as I have. I know this story, is going to be epic.

Basically, to sum that all up, I've went from panster to puzzle master. And I can't wait to see what happens next!

To purchase any of the above mentioned titles, visit me on Amazon.

**Take Back My Heart and Come Back to Me are currently undergoing a few minor changes and some re-editing, and will be available again soon.**


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